Yoga education is a big investment - in time, finances + energy. We aim to make our offerings accessible to as many people as possible by offering full + partial scholarships to our programs. We prioritize the BIPOC community + students when reviewing applications.



We created our scholarship program in 2021 in an effort to make our offerings more accessible to all. It is a small but growing program and we aim to offer more + more spaces for scholarship moving forward.

We are honored and grateful to be able to offer a mix of full and partial scholarships to all of our in-person yoga retreats and yoga teacher trainings. These scholarships are reserved for those who are not in the financial place to attend one of our offerings, but who truly feel that it would benefit their lives.


Anybody is welcome to apply for a scholarship, but we prioritize the BIPOC community + students in our selections. It is at the heart of TCSY that everybody feels welcome here + we aim to make our spaces comfortable and inviting for all. If there is any way that you see we could make our offerings more accessible + approachable for your specific community, we'd love to hear. Drop us an email + we are all ears. Applications are closed for all current offerings, but please check back for upcoming scholarship opportunities. Join our mailing list + follow along on our Instagram to stay in-the-know about these dates.


If you'd like to make a contribution to our scholarship fund, we'll utilize 100% of your donation to go toward a spaces for future training or retreat attendees. We thank you so deeply for contributing in this way.
The Kula.
Email US.